PROTECT YOUR ANONYMITY! This site, the chat/meeting room and message board is viewable by the general online public. When registering on the message board use only your first name and last initial to identify yourself. On both the board and in the chat room, use a nickname that others outside of Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families do not know you by.
Hi all! This is my first day as a member on the site. I found you all through on the list of all meetings. I only have time for one or two face-to-face (or for now, zoom) meetings a week, so Ive been looking forward to finding a message board and more online resources as well. Ive also only been to one meeting to far, so Im very new to the journey, but am already hopeful that Ill be able to find a lot of wisdom and resources through this program. Thank you!!
This site is first on the list at the ACA WSO website for online meetings. With COVID there aren't any face to face in-person meetings so I'm here to explore and heal. Thank you for the work in setting up and maintaining the forum.
I just registered because I have thought of joining an Adult Children of Alcoholics groups for some time. However, there are no meetings happenings except virtual. I hope this forum is helpful, however, I was surprised that there was more personal information than I thought. With all due respect and as a newbie, can you help me understand why that info was asked needed and what do you expect of me as a new member? Thank you.
I just sent you a private message about your profile. This is a canned program not designed for anonymity; it's not necessary to use your real name and date of birth. We can take that out for you, just say the word!
I would suggest that you surf around and when you get comfortable, jump in and share! mamalioness and I are here if you have any questions.
Karen I am glad that you found us. On the main board where you have to join on it, there are so many recovery posts and worksheets and all kinds of great stuff. Glad you found us
ROSIE, a work in progress!!!
Keep it simple__Easy does it__Keeping the focus on me--AND___"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart" ~ Unknown