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when I started sharing here- I could barely follow any of the other posts. Not even my own really... ...
looking back I realise that ah were trying to say something... and I kept on saying and saying...
ah reckon that is does work if we work at it... slowly the fog does lift... the none by one people emerge- as we get to know and to trust them... ...
Dear took a while and i'm STILL working on being in touch with my body and my feelings, not just "disassociating" when stress comes in unwanted events, or I am having memories.....and yea, the fog does lift if I don't give up on me
ROSIE, a work in progress!!!
Keep it simple__Easy does it__Keeping the focus on me--AND___"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart" ~ Unknown
I have always been good at "compartmentalizing," which is really just another way of saying "disassociating," but in my profession is viewed as a good thing (veterinarian, specifically in animal shelters.) Most of my colleagues have been envious of my ability to compartmentalize, because there are a lot of difficult things one sees and does when working with animals, especially those who have been abused or that have to be euthanized. But I carry it into my personal relationships too. My AM and now AH. But things are so bad with AH that I can't compartmentalize anymore. Therapy and AlAnon and now ACoA are helping...but now I am facing some tough decisions that I just don't want to believe I have to make.... Still, I think it will be better than continuing to stuff myself away in my mind.