PROTECT YOUR ANONYMITY! This site, the chat/meeting room and message board is viewable by the general online public. When registering on the message board use only your first name and last initial to identify yourself. On both the board and in the chat room, use a nickname that others outside of Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families do not know you by.
Welcome to Adult Children Anonymous, a forum on the Miracles In Progress site!
We were founded in 2004 by John F., who passed away in 2017. An intergroup Transition Committee then formed to handle the bills and business affairs as needed. All trusted servants are volunteers.
We roughly follow the guidelines of 12 Step groups, although we are a bit looser on cross-talk. We comment from our own experience and don't offer advice unless it is requested.
When you join us you will be able to post your own shares, and see others' personal shares. We hope you will pull up a chair and join or experience, strength, and hope!
Hello, I thought I had posted a fairly long message this morning, but now I can't find it. Is there an easy way to search please?
It is on the main page. And a big welcome to you
ROSIE, a work in progress!!!
Keep it simple__Easy does it__Keeping the focus on me--AND___"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart" ~ Unknown