Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families

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Post Info TOPIC: Triggered by other ACA in meetings


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Triggered by other ACA in meetings

A whole part of this ACA experience is also seeing how we attempt to create safe environments for each other.   I wonder if my shares hurt others unintentionally and I would never know.  I wonder if my voice is affecting others.   I'm worried because I see how these things from others affect me strongly, enough so I have to leave the meeting right then and there.   

Anytime ACA speak out of turn (interject) or act goofy or funny or speak unintelligibly, I am definitely reminded of my drunk father.    I find the meeting is then "out of control" and no one is stopping it (telling them to stop).  It's like sanctifying dysfunction.  

I tried doing the Anger Release meetings, which encourage ACA to act out their anger on camera.  After a while I wasn't sure if we were really releasing or just exploiting each other's emotional insobriety.   I saw ACAs do things that seemed violent and unsafe and then look into the camera for approval.   

A visibly upset host threatened to leave the meeting because nobody's camera was on (it was not a requirement of the meeting).  

These are a minor 1% of my experience with ACA after a year, but they stick out in my mind til today and so why I feel compelled to share these on the Step Twelve month.   I think to embrace the ACA ideals, that everyone is in recovery, in a process, and not every day is perfect, we are powerless and we have to surrender sometimes, that others do their thing, and I do my thing.    We are literally just moving pictures on a screen, I don't have to "think about" or "worry" or ponder these people who did something sometime in the past.   

If I look inward I see I will have days where I am off but in so much I don't use those off days to define my life, so much I should not use these triggered moments to define my ACA journey.   And as an ACA I see how I am holding onto these negative experiences because I had to in order to survive.  I have lots of evidence that shows ACA meetings run smoothly and beautifully and the unexpected should be expected.

-- Edited by unlovable on Monday 6th of December 2021 12:27:55 AM



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Welcome to MIP, unlovable!! 

mamalioness and I try to maintain a safe environment here.  That being said, members are free to post what they wish within our Posting Guidelines (there is a link in the lower right of the reply window).  Any unsafe posts should be reported to us in Private Message (PM) immediately!  We rarely have a problem here.

I agree that all of us are on a recovery journey, and sometimes we have slips.  I can also wallow in negativity due to the way I was raised.

Our shares are mostly on the Main Page, as you found out.  Pull up a chair and join our experience, strength, and hope! 


In Recovery,

Princess K.


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Posts: 2506

Welcome unlovable Im a not so newbie too..




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I'm hoping to have found a safe place here. Thank you for creating this space.



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Welcome, Dolly Girl!

mamalioness and I maintain a safe site here.  We have Posting Guidelines linked in the lower right corner of the Reply window.

Please report any unsafe posts or Private Messages (PM) to us in PM, and we will take care of it!

Pull up a chair and join our experience, strength, and hope! 


In Recovery,

Princess K.


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Posts: 2

Thank you for the welcome! I'm so happy to be here.


Moderator_in service

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Dear unlovable and also dear Dolly Girl. Princess K also known as Mrs. Snoopy and I are partner moderators and we put safety at the top of our list. I promise you that both of you will feel safe because we watch all the time and if somebody post some thing and its not too bad we will message them and gently get them back within the guard rails of proper behavior but if the post is really bad, we will delete it and we will explain to them why we deleted it. We dont put up with abuse we dont put up with attacking or minimizing or shaming anybody. That will never be allowed here

I am glad Both of you found us and trust me, this board is open 24 seven and lots of love and sharing and caring here. I hope youll give us a chance and give this little community a chance because we may not be very big but the people are awesome

You have to actually join to get on the regular members board and there are some awesome 12 step worksheets and inner child stuff to work on all kinds of goodies to help you move forward in your recovery


ROSIE,  a work in progress!!! 

Keep it simple__Easy does it__Keeping the focus on me--AND___"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart" ~ Unknown


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Posts: 5

I'm a bit lost. What does it mean by you have to actually join? When I signed in here is there another way to join?



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Posts: 21961

Hi Pep21:

You created an account, so you "joined".

Check out the Main Page for the great shares!!

Welcome to the family!


In Recovery,

Princess K.


Status: Offline
Posts: 2506

Welcome Dolly and Pep21 I am a recent newbie and I havent looked back I have a lot of growth

and healing and its continuing daily.

if you turn up daily and interact with us you will really be grateful you joined..

Unlovable, Dolly , pep21 this is a safe place your inner most thoughts hurts and joy can be shared here and its safe no judgment just a supportive community.

))))()(((((()WELCOME ((((((((



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welcome everyone!

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