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hello i just joined today. I am 40 years old living with "mommy and daddy" as they are now seniors 64 and 75. I can't catch a break, I got into an arranged marriage I am not really wanted 5 yrs ago parents got me into this with her i know they meant well but just not the path I want to take want to start fresh on my own .
Any way going off topic, I am here cuz i still live with mommy and daddy and am kind of sick and tired of this life, I want to move out and run away....which I'd like to secrretly orchestrate but anywho, what are the rules in posting here? can I ask anything related to adult children but NOTE MY PARENTS ARENT ALCOHOLICS........
We have a link to Posting Guidelines in the lower right corner of the Reply window. We generally follow ACA World Service Organization (WSO) guidelines, such as speaking for ourselves and not judging others. Honesty with ourselves and others is also a key component of recovery.
The full title is Alcoholic/Dysfunctional Families. There are many causes of dysfunction other than alcohol. I found this article on the WSO site: Does that description sound like your family?
We generally frame our posts in terms of Laundry List issues. Instead of bitching about our parents we look at why they are that way, the effect it has had on us, and how we can live a better life.
I hope I have answered your questions; if not, feel free to ask more! Perhaps other members have insight, too.
"Instead of bitching about our parents we look at why they are that way, the effect it has had on us, and how we can live a better life."
This feels judgemental. Some people (me, included) process by bitching about things.
I hear ya cobalt....i HAVE to "bitch" to process and depending on how BAD their offenses were, I may have to bitch for quite a while...and who CARES WHY they were the way they were...They had choices....I am focusing on ME and MY recovery
ROSIE, a work in progress!!!
Keep it simple__Easy does it__Keeping the focus on me--AND___"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart" ~ Unknown