Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families

Online Meetings Tuesday 7:00 PM Eastern in the Meeting Room

PROTECT YOUR ANONYMITY! This site, the chat/meeting room and message board is viewable by the general online public. When registering on the message board use only your first name and last initial to identify yourself. On both the board and in the chat room, use a nickname that others outside of Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families do not know you by.

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Welcome to Adult Children Anonymous, a forum on the Miracles In Progress (MIP) website!  


About MIP:

We were founded in 2004 by John F., who passed away in 2017. All trusted servants are volunteers.  We roughly follow the guidelines of 12 Step groups, although we are a bit looser on cross-talk.  We comment from our own experience and don't offer advice unless it is requested.

When you join us you will be able to post your own shares, and see others' personal shares.  We hope you will pull up a chair and join or experience, strength, and hope!


How do I join MIP?

Please follow the instructions below:


1.  Click on New Member in the Members Login box to register.

2.  Complete the first 4 fields only. 

3.  On both the board and in the chat room, use a nickname for your username that others outside of Adult Children Anonymous do not know you by.

4.  Use only your first name, not full name.  This field is optional.

5.  Do not include your birthday.


To get started in the forum, check out How To Get The Most From MIP in the Sticky section.  We have lots of tools and tips to help you customize your ACA recovery.


MIP has Co-Moderators Mrs. Snoopy and mamalioness.  After you register, you can send them a Private Message with more specific questions.  Just click on their names in the For Information square located at the bottom left of any page.


How do I join the Tuesday chat meeting (text only) at 7:00 PM EST?

Click the blue link at the top of the page that says Online Meetings Tuesday... You do not have to join the forum to join the meeting.


This meeting is viewable by the general public.  To protect your anonymity, we recommend to only use your first name or a nickname that no one would know when accessing the meeting.



How can MIP help my recovery?

Because MIP is a 24/7 forum, you have access to group support anytime, day or night.  Our group is less structured than a one hour meeting.  There are no time limits on shares.  Everyone gets to share.


This forum can also be helpful when you are at work, visiting family or in a public setting and need help but cannot talk on the phone.


Tools you will find on the forum:

Daily readings, like Strengthening My Recovery and others 

Daily Gratitude List

Daily Check-In - This can be used for tracking progress towards goals.

Tony As Original 12 Steps

How To Get The Most From MIP guide

The Golden Slogans

Group support

And much more...


How do I find Other ACA meetings?

Go to Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization Meeting Finder



Where can I buy ACA literature?

Go to Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization Shop



Other information:

Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization United States Home


ACA World Service Organization (WSO) Home






-- Edited by Orange on Saturday 26th of September 2020 09:58:39 AM


Moderator_in service

Status: Offline
Posts: 18452

Orange I want to thank you for preparing this for our treasured new folks who now have a good solid direction on how to start.


ROSIE,  a work in progress!!! 

Keep it simple__Easy does it__Keeping the focus on me--AND___"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart" ~ Unknown


Status: Offline
Posts: 21961

Great job, Orange!!!! 


In Recovery,

Princess K.


Status: Offline
Posts: 3236

Thank you Rosie and PK for the kind words. Thank YOU both for all your help and ideas!



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Posts: 21961

Teamwork makes the dream work!! 


In Recovery,

Princess K.

Moderator_in service

Status: Offline
Posts: 18452

Mrs_Snoopy wrote:

Teamwork makes the dream work!! 

 could NOT have said it better.....Orange, you are buried treasure and WE got lucky to get you


ROSIE,  a work in progress!!! 

Keep it simple__Easy does it__Keeping the focus on me--AND___"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart" ~ Unknown


Status: Offline
Posts: 1

I was wondering if you could put the directions on how to register and what fields to skip and so forth, on the registration page?  I already registered and it looks like I gave TMI :D

Think of what you want, not what you fear. -Ann Adams "The Silver Boat" Peace is every step -Thich Nhat Han


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Posts: 21961

Welcome to MIP, Frannie!! 

There is a message at the top of the page to Protect Your Anonymity.  Your profile looks good; we recommend not using your last name or date of birth to preserve your anonymity.

Check out our Main Page with great shares!!


In Recovery,

Princess K.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1

I am new to this site and have read a lot of great posts. What is your best advice on where to start?


Moderator_in service

Status: Offline
Posts: 18452

Hi Nadja, we don't give advice in recovery, but we DO share what WE did to progress!!!

What I did was #1, join main board where all the "good stuff" is
#2, read the posts and answer the ones I feel comfortable/can relate with
#3, I just finished posting the first "go around" of the 12 steps, VITAL for ones recovery working the steps regularly teaches us a new and healthier way to live
#4, just do maintenance, showing up each day, working on myself, etc.,

you will get the "drift" as you go...but the steps and slogans literally saved my life and my sanity

Welcome and come join us on main board and begin taking back your life


ROSIE,  a work in progress!!! 

Keep it simple__Easy does it__Keeping the focus on me--AND___"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart" ~ Unknown


Status: Offline
Posts: 21961

Welcome to MIP, Nadja! 

As mama said, the shares are on our Main Page.  You can surf around until you feel comfortable sharing.

When you are ready, jump in and join our experience, strength, and hope!! 


In Recovery,

Princess K.

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