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It is the 24th here already- Sunday morning... do I want to indulge myself by mentioning this first... I write I have to search for a word- like indulge... and more and more often i find it. A clarity- which once eluded me.
The phrase was "suffer in silence". This really underlines the dilemma of the adult child. So much mind and experience is locked away. ...
Ah kin morph back to the 23rd reading... ...and i can see connections; connections with my own life and experience.
The first paragraph says that recovery happens- whether we are conscious or not. Taking that first step. Putting my hand up- or both hands- and saying "help"!
We say words like "baby steps" or "fake it till you make it".
I used to hate those words because they seemed false. But I had been doing this myself- long before i first came to a 12 step group.
I was a battler and a survivor- always was, and always will be. ...